Coronavirus COVID-19 precautions at Studio Hellä

  • The studio is open only on appointment

  • Don’t come to the studio if you or someone you live with has fever, cough or other symptoms of COVID-19

  • Don’t come if you or someone you live with has been in contact with a person who has had the symptoms or has been diagnosed with COVID-19

  • We can reschedule your appointment if you’re feeling sick or have the possibility of having been contracted with the virus. Please let us know as soon as possible if you’re feeling ill

  • We can provide you with a disposable facemask at the studio. Our tattoo artists wear masks at the studio while tattooing. 

  • Wash your hands at home before you come to the studio and wash them when you arrive at the studio. We will show you to the bathroom. We also have hand disinfectant you can use

  • Let’s avoid any unnecessary contact such as hugging or shaking hands

  • Come alone. If you have a personal assistant(s) who you need at the studio, they are welcome of course

  • Avoid touching your face

  • Sneeze or cough into your elbow or a paper towel if needed and go wash your hands